Cognitive dissonance is a theory in social psychology. It refers to the mental conflict that occurs when a person's behaviors and beliefs practice non align.

Information technology may also happen when a person holds two beliefs that contradict one some other.

Cognitive dissonance causes feelings of unease and tension, and people attempt to relieve this discomfort in different ways. Examples include "explaining things away" or rejecting new information that conflicts with their existing beliefs.

Read on to learn more about cognitive dissonance and its effects.

a woman looking pensive because of Cognitive dissonance Share on Pinterest
Many people experience feelings of unease and tension with cognitive noise.

The psychologist Leon Festinger published his theory of cerebral dissonance in his 1957 book, A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance.

Festinger proposed that people experience discomfort when they concord conflicting beliefs or when their actions contradict their behavior.

Since then, cerebral dissonance has become one of the well-nigh influential and researched theories in social psychology.

People volition attempt to reduce this dissonance to relieve the discomfort. The bulldoze to resolve dissonance is called the "principle of cognitive consistency."

It is important to note that cognitive racket is not automated when a person holds opposing beliefs. They must have an sensation of the inconsistency to feel discomfort.

Not everyone experiences cerebral dissonance to the same degree. Some people take a college tolerance for doubtfulness and inconsistency and may experience less cognitive dissonance than those who require consistency.

Other factors that touch the degree of cognitive dissonance that a person experiences include:

  • The type of behavior: Beliefs that are more personal pb to more than pregnant noise.
  • The value of the beliefs: Beliefs that people agree in high regard tend to cause greater dissonance.
  • The size of the disparity: A substantial disparity between conflicting and harmonious beliefs will result in more dissonance.

Cognitive dissonance has the immediate outcome of causing feelings of discomfort and unease.

Equally people generally accept an innate desire to avoid this discomfort, cognitive dissonance has a significant issue on a person's:

  • behaviors
  • thoughts
  • decisions
  • beliefs and attitudes
  • mental health

People experiencing cerebral dissonance may notice that they feel:

  • anxious
  • guilty
  • ashamed

As a result, they may:

  • try to hibernate their deportment or beliefs from others
  • rationalize their actions or choices continuously
  • shy away from conversations or debates near specific topics
  • avert learning new information that goes against their existing beliefs
  • ignore research, paper manufactures, or md'due south advice that causes dissonance

Avoiding factual information tin can allow people to continue maintaining behaviors with which they practice not fully agree.

Of course, cognitive dissonance may prompt some people to change their behavior so that their actions align with their behavior. In this way, information technology provides people with an opportunity to examine their values and actions and achieve cognitive consistency.

As a event of cognitive racket, many people confront problematic attitudes and actions.

They may make positive changes in their lives, such equally addressing unhealthful eating habits, addiction, or anger issues.

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If a person smokes despite knowing the adventure, they may experience cognitive dissonance.

Situations where cognitive noise tin occur include:

  • Smoking despite beingness enlightened of the adverse wellness effects of tobacco use.
  • Choosing to promote a beliefs, such as regular exercise, that a person does not themselves do. This type of cognitive dissonance is called hypocrisy.
  • Telling a lie despite the person thinking of themselves equally honest.
  • Purchasing a new car that is not fuel efficient, despite beingness environmentally conscious.
  • Eating meat while also thinking of themselves every bit an creature lover who dislikes the idea of killing animals. Some researchers call this the meat paradox.

People who experience cognitive dissonance can take steps to reduce it. They may do this by:

Rejecting or avoiding conflicting information

Often, people resolve cognitive noise by devaluing and discarding conflicting knowledge.

They may limit their exposure to new information that does not marshal with their existing beliefs — a phenomenon called "confirmation bias."

One example of this is devaluing particular news sources by describing them as biased or simulated.

Persuading and justifying

Individuals may persuade themselves that no disharmonize exists.

They may seek out back up from others who share like beliefs or try to convince others that the new information is inaccurate.

Alternatively, a person may find a manner to justify behaviors that conflict with their beliefs. For instance, someone who smokes despite knowing that information technology is bad for their health may rationalize the behavior on the ground that it helps them socialize with others.

Reconciling the differences

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A person may reconcile differences by giving up eating meat considering they dear animals.

This method of reducing dissonance may be the most constructive, just it is also the near challenging to implement.

It involves a person changing their behaviors and so that they are consequent with their other beliefs.

Reconciling the differences between conflicting beliefs, or between actions and behavior, is a form of personal growth.

One example of reconciling differences is when a person stops eating meat because they love animals or dislike the thought of killing them.

Cerebral racket affects anybody, and it plays a role in many of a person'southward daily judgments and decisions.

Although cerebral dissonance may seem like a negative event, it can likewise help people alter and abound in positive ways.

Through awareness of conflicting beliefs and actions, people can address their habits and bring their behaviors in line with their values.

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