Looking at someone'southward Facebook profile is the best way to see who someone is dating or related to "on the down-low".  However, if you lot want to alter your human relationship status on Facebook, and go along the modify private—this is the article for you...

What Are the Available Human relationship and Family Statuses?

In that location are 13 relationship status types available to select on Facebook. Some of them; like married, single, in a relationship, engaged, divorced, separated, and widowed; are well-known terms effectually the world. Meanwhile, others crave a bit of an explanation depending on where yous live

Here are a few of the other human relationship terms Facebook includes and what they mean:

  • In a civil matrimony: This term was created originally for aforementioned-sex couples and is defined every bit a union with legal rights similar to marriage. The term is used in certain states in the U.S.
  • In a domestic partnership: When 2 people alive together but are not married.
  • It'due south complicated: This is not a legal human relationship term and it is typically used when a couple is non in a relationship but they are together. Some people use this when their relationship is fraught with tension.
  • In an open up human relationship: This is a human relationship that is not-sectional. People in an open relationship court other people while dating each other.

The family unit statuses are fairly uncomplicated and require no explanation: female parent, father, blood brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather, step-mother, pace-begetter, stride-daughter, step-son, nephew, niece, cousin, sister-in-law, mother in law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, and father-in-constabulary.

Did you know that there is a secret URL that shows the entire Facebook relationship history of any two people on the platform? We show y'all how to see this information with this article nearly how to see the relationship history of any two people on Facebook.

How to Change Your Human relationship Status on Facebook

Irresolute your relationship status on Facebook is easy, and you can even tailor the privacy settings to suit your electric current situation.

To change your relationship condition on Facebook:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile.
  2. Click on Edit Public Details which is below your profile motion-picture show and personal data. (On Facebook
  3. Select Edit in the Details section.
  4. Whorl downwardly to Relationship.
  5. Hither, you can unselect the box adjacent to your human relationship status so it won't appear in your Intro on your profile, however, the status will still be public in your Bio.
  6. Click on the pencil icon.
  7. This is where you can change your relationship status, enter the name of the person you're in the relationship with, and select pertinent dates for your relationship (anniversary).

Now you can change the privacy of your relationship status:

  1. On the lesser left corner, you will encounter an earth icon, this is the privacy continuing of your relationship status. You can modify information technology to Public, Friends, or Just me.
  2. Click Salvage to save your changes.
  3. Click Relieve again to salve all of your changes.

You tin also add together family unit members to your Facebook contour so your Friends will be able to see who you are related to.

To add a family member to your profile on Facebook:

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Below your relationship condition, click on See your about info.
  3. Scroll downwards to the Family Members section.
  4. Select Add together a Family unit Member.
  5. Enter the family fellow member's name.
  6. Select your relationship with that family member.
  7. On the bottom left corner, you lot will once more see an world icon, this is the privacy continuing of your family fellow member relationship. Y'all tin modify it to Public, Friends, or Merely me.
  8. Click Salvage.

Now yous have complete control over Facebook when it comes to your human relationship and family unit statuses.  You can choose if you want to keep these unions private or show them off!

Consult Your Partner Before Changing Facebook Human relationship Settings

Before making whatever changes to your Facebook condition, it'southward always a good idea to talk to your partner and ask if yous should change your status to "In a Relationship" if you're dating or "Single" if you lot've decided to go your split ways.

Because making these changes without both parties knowing tin lead to some awkward moments.

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