Mantenimiento Harley-Davidson: cambiar el aceite de las horquillas

Harley-Davidson Maintenance: Irresolute Fork Oil

When was the final time yous changed the fork oil? Probably the answer to this question is "never," "I don't think," or something like that.
This is usually the case, the truth is that the forks do not give usa too much trouble in Custom models, as normally on these bikes information technology is not driven in a sporty way and the brakes are usually relatively moderate. This is why nosotros do not normally perceive that it is a part of the vehicle that also requires attending and maintenance, and that the oil inside it also degrades with use and needs replacement, since information technology loses its lubricating characteristics, emulsifies (mixes with air and wet) and reduces damping performance.

Using the Service Manual
Specifically, it is indicated in the Harley-Davidson manual that the oil must be replaced every 32,000 Km (every 4 engine oil changes).
For it is precisely this task that we will carry out, following equally always the footstep-by-step indications of the workshop book.
The first thing nosotros have to exercise is put the bike upright, either using a key elevator or through a rear cycle stand.
After this step we will place a drainage tray under the fork we are going to work with and so we will remove with a screwdriver the bleed screw,

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and the oil will begin to come up out of the hole. The screw is unmarried-apply, should not be reused, and care must be taken when removing it, equally information technology is quite soft and can spoil the head of it.

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When oil stops coming out we will mount on the bicycle and while we press the front brake we will compress several times the damping, thus pumping the oil left inside. Exist careful, put the tray in the right place, as with this process the oil comes out under force per unit area.

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TIP: If the oil is mixed with air bubbles or calorie-free brown, the fork seals may need replacement.
The moment it stops dropping oil we have already finished with the drainage, we make clean the bar well and reinstall a new spiral with its washer, squeezing information technology to 2 Nm.

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Refill with new oil
Once we accept the fork gear up we have to insert the Special fork oil, for this at that place are 2 unlike methods:
-We can utilize the amount that the manufacturer tells united states of america, for this nosotros will need a graduated measuring jar.

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-You tin can likewise mensurate the oil level in millimetres from the edge of the bar with a special tool.

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In both cases we must always follow the recommendations of the workshop transmission regarding the quantity and type of oil, custom motorcycles unremarkably utilize a density between 5W (light) and 20W (heavy).

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Next we have to remove the filling plug from the peak of the fork tube, the commencement thing we will do is use an lift to lift the forepart wheel slightly off the ground, thus discharging the pressure from the internal spring of the pause.

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The next step is to loosen the upper latch spiral,

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in this style information technology will exist easier to unscrew the spiral-comprehend of the fork, using a specific special tool.

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Caution should be exercised when unscrewing the cap as it is under spring force per unit area and can wing out and dent the tank or fender.

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We only have to fill up with the right amount of liquid, using a small funnel with a rubber, or the typical paper "cucurucho."

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If nosotros have followed the method of the manual that indicates that we use the extraction syringe at present would be the time.

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Final cross-checks
With the correct amount of oil in the fork we can now thread the elevation cap back to a 60 Nm tightening, after which we will thread the screw of the elevation 45 Nm.
Nosotros take to repeat exactly the same process with the other bar, and we tin go off the bike and test it gently on the road so that the new oil recirculates.
With these unproblematic steps yous will encounter that y'all have rejuvenated the dynamic behavior of your bike.

Frank Burguera
