
How To Change Event Time On Facebook

This article on how to change the fourth dimension of my Facebook event follows on from How Practise I Create A Facebook Event? and How Practice I Communicate With The People Attending My Facebook Upshot? and actually covers the question I asked in the outset place when I had created a Facebook upshot just needed to change the time.

Why is it so hard to change the time of a Facebook event?

Information technology isn't really hard at all to change the time of your result, however it is not obvious or intuitive. Nosotros're used to getting drop-down menus or calendars or options when we try to edit an event in a calendar, just Facebook (currently) does it a fleck differently.

How do y'all edit a Facebook event?

Once you accept fix an outcome, you can edit information technology at any time past clicking the Edit button on the correct of the screen:

How to edit a Facebook event

This takes you into the edit screen. Here yous can add together a photograph, change the name, add a location and change the date and fourth dimension.

Here's the confusing part. If you want to change the date, click on the calendar icon and a calendar sheet volition come up up where yous can select the date:

Edit date of a facebook event

Nevertheless, when yous click on the time, all you will become is the hour or minute section highlighted. Naught to drop down, no arrows, no clock. This has confused many people.

change the time on a facebook event

However, all you need to do is click on that highlight and employ your number keypad or top row numbers to type in your new number. If you want it to read viii:thirty, kickoff by highlighting the hour and typing 8.

It's not completely simple, though. Once y'all get to the minutes, the numbers move along the field like the numbers on a till – and then if you highlight :00 and press the 3 cardinal, this will happen:

change facebook event time

and y'all actually have to blazon 30 to go it to read thirty and non 03. I don't know about yous, but I expected the cursor to exist at the beginning, and then yous could just type a iii and get 30.

Anyhow, there you go – click Save and in that location's your engagement changed:

change time facebook ok

This article has explained how to modify the time of a Facebook event.

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